
Trier-Puddy Post #75




The meeting was called to order by Commander Darryl D. at 18:30 PM.  The colors were advanced, the opening prayer said, the POW Flag placed on the empty chair. The Pledge of Allegiance and the preamble read.

Roll Call: Present were Darryl Driscoll, Bill Tollefson, Tim Holt (EX), Gail Johnson-Daveau (EX), Rob Sharp, Mark Nesbitt, Jeff Winter (EX), Steve Critchley, Gail Sehloff, Gary Koepke, and Jeff Puddy. Quorum was established.

The minutes of the previous meeting were presented, and reviewed. Accepted by general consensus with corrections.



Steve Kaiser was introduced as a new member.


Finance report:

Finance report was read. Motion also made by Gail S. to approve the finance report as read. Motion was seconded, discussed, and approved unanimously.



Adjutant report



Vice Reports:


1st Vice Bill T. – Awards received in for framing are in process. Legion baseball looking to be more active in volunteering. Support at games would be good too. Post games on the TV?

2nd Vice Rob S. – N/A


Honor Guard Report:

5 funerals for August, 648 volunteer hours by the Honor Guard. 36 Funerals for the year.


Blood Drive:



SAL Report:

Commander Shawn M. from the SAL mentioned Blood Drive is Sept 24th. Noted Corn Roast was a huge success, Aug 23rd, 2025 next Corn Roast. Big thank you to all the volunteers involved. Noted large presence of SAL officers and introductions. Noted the SAL is available to assist the AL family as needed. Discussed Travelling Vietnam Vets Wall Memorial will be in Oshkosh October 10-13th. Discussed taking down flags on Saturday the 21st starting at Calvary and going from there at 9:30 am. Noted SAL made a profit of $5800 from the corn roast and recognition from key members of the community. Commander Sean M. presented a check in the amount of $6000.00 for the parking lot fund. Also noted Freezin for a Reason coming up in February again.


Unfinished Business:

Commander Darryl D. mentioned JF Ahern gas line removal proposal received in the amount of $4435.00. Other options are still being sought after, along with parking lot repair.

Discussion was had about painting the static displays, more info will be needed for permissions and what we can do with that.

Brat Barn makeover details discussed. Work is still ongoing, more details to come on work being done and dates. Electrical will be the next big project.

Commander Darryl D. noted the Veteran’s cruise was a success and a good time. Also discussed Navy Club donation of $851.00 during the Corn Roast, which will also go to the parking lot fund. Mentioned the Hogs for Heroes event also and the thank you letter they sent to us. Also discussed the food sales at the Hive concert we served food at the night before the corn roast, making roughly $400 dollars.

Was noted the grill will need replacing again shortly.  Jeff P. researched a 4-burner replacement covered grill at approx. $1100.00 for future consideration.


New Business

Constitution and Bylaws meeting 9-16-24 @ 18:30 at the Legion.

County Legion meeting 9-30-24 @ St. Cloud, 6th District is October 27th @ Two Rivers. Midwinter is 16-19th January in Appletion.

Commander Darryl D. also mentioned the lights, we have received them and they are ready to install, Mark N. is working on getting the mounting poles ready.

Post received a donation of $418 from the Auxiliary which will be going to the parking lot fund also.

Jeff P. noted the golf outing being held by the Legion, in Baraboo, see the Legion website if interested.

Sean M. Noted Freezin’ for a Reason tentatively scheduled for the 22nd most likely of February.


For the Good of the Legion

Commander Sean M. noted that Legion members are welcome to attend any SAL meeting if they would like.

Meeting adjourned. Closing benediction and retiring of the colors completed.